It describes three stages in the passage of time. First Stage  it shows the poet's mother standing at the beach,enjoying holiday with her two cousins. She was around 12 years old at that time. The second stage takes us twenty or thirty years later. The mother would laugh at the way she and her COusins were dressed up for the beach holiday. In the third stage, the poet remembers the dead mother with a heavy heart. The Photograph revives a nostalgic feeling in the poet.



"The cardboard shows me how it was When the two girl cousins went padding, Each one holding one of my mother's hands, And she the big girl- some twelve years or so.


cardboard :very stiff paperboard on which the photograph was pasted

paddling :walking through shallow water in bare feet

big girl: mother is referred to as the big girl as she was the eldest among the three girls

Explanation :

An old photograph of the poer's mother which was pasted on cardboard makes the poet recall the old memories of her mother's childhood. The photograph is a depiction of her mother's enjoyable moments at a sea-beach with her two cousins who were younger to her. They were walking in shallow water with bare feet near the beach. The mother was standing in the middle and holding hands of her two cousins, who were standing on each side. The poet's mother was rwelve years old then. It shows that the photograph was very old but the poet has kept it very carefully as it reminded her of sweet memories of her mother's childhood. The photograph also indicates how enjoyable her mother's childhood was.


All three stood still to smile through their hair At the uncle with the camera. A sweet face My mother's, that was before I was born. And the sea, which appears to have changed less, Washed their terribly transient feet."


terribly :extremely

Transient: temporary


The photograph shows that all three girls the poet's mother and her two cousins - stood still and smiled at the camera when their uncle clicked their photograph at the sea beach. As the weather was windy at that time, their hair was flying over their smiling faces. The expression on the faces of the poet's mother and her cousins was that of happiness and enjoyment. The mother was looking very pretty at that time and the photograph was taken a long time ago.

Everything has changed since then, her mother grew up; now she was dead and the poet was reviving her memories. The only thing that has remained unchanged is the sea which was washing the feet of all three girls. The mention of the word transient indicates the ever changing lives of human beings as well as the shortness of their stay on this World, in contrast to the eternity of nature. The girls's life changed drastically during this period but the sea has not changed. The stanza beautifully explains the transient nature of human beings.


"Some twenty - thirty - years later She'd laugh at the snapshot. "See Betty And Dolly," she'd say, "and look how they Dressed us for the beach." The sea holiday Was her past, mine is her laughter. Both wry With the laboured ease of loss."


wry :disgusted

laboured: achieved after a lot of hard work, done with great effort.


Even 20-30 years later the mother would look at the photograph and laugh nostalgically remembering the happy memories of her past. Mother would look at the photograph and comment on the dresses worn by the cousins Dolly, Betty and herself Sea holiday was her mother's past and her mother's laughter has become a thing of the past for the poet as her mother was now dead. The poet still remembers how her mother would laugh at the photograph remembering the sea-holiday with a fondness as well as a sense of loss because that time would never comne back. In the same way poet feels nostalgic thinking about her mother and her laughter which has become a thing of the past.

The words 'laboured' and ease' are opposite to each other, but describe the same entity, loss.


"Now she's been dead nearly as many years As that girl lived. And of this circumstance There is nothing to say at al. Its silence silences."


Circumstance :situation


 The poet recalls that it is nearly twelve years since her mother died. The poet is consumed wit griet but is left with no words to express her loss and pain. The poet is totally absorbed in memories of her dead mother. The painful silence of this situation leaves the poet speechless. The poet can feel the gri but is unable to express it through words.The silence caused by death makes the atmosphere gloomy, wnee no one is able to utter words.


🔴Allusion: Cardboard

🔴Alliteration Alliteration is the repetition of the initial letter syllableble in a line of poem. Examples of alliteration in this poem are ictood still to smile', "terribly transient', Its silence silences' etc

🔴Transferred Epithet A transferred epithet is a description which refers to a character or event but is used to describe a different situation or character. 'Transient feet' is an example of transferred epithet in the poem. It refers to human feet but it is used to describe the lack of permanence of human life.

🔴Oxymoron: In this literary device, there are two opposite ideas which are joined to create an effect. 'Laboured ease' in the poem is an example of oxymoron. Laboured meaning with 'great difficulty' and ease means 'comfortably'. Both words have opposite meanings but here they are clubbed together.

🔴Personification: The example is Its silence silences.' The situation nas been given the human quality of silence.





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